Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saving Money by Recycling

Whether you run a household a business or both, the ultimate goal is to not waste money. With the economy today, everyone is watching their dollars. What’s interesting about this is I find myself along with many others clipping coupons and watching sales papers or newspaper ads daily and weekly before a purchase is made. I am talking about a purchase as small as a can of soup to major appliances or even a vehicle. So what happens to that product once it comes into our home? A can of soup, we open it, consume it and then what? In my house, I rinse it out and recycle it. Many homes just put in the trash. If you choose to do that, you’re putting your saving for that item into the trash as well. Why you ask… because you are paying someone to remove it. How crazy is that! Look at it this way; if we take the time to reevaluate what we put in the trash we will certainly reduce waste. In short, this will cause us to save in our weekly trash removal costs. So how do we reevaluate our trash? Look at the packaging almost all products come in. Cereal, soup, shampoo, cooking oil even aluminum foil packaging. For example: aluminum foil packaging, I fold the box flat after removing the cardboard cylinder and the metal cutting edge from the box and put this in the appropriate recycling bin. So the cylinder, cardboard box and aluminum are recycled. It takes a few seconds to do this. It takes a bit long to do this without thinking twice about it. In the following weeks, I will take a look at the products we bring into our home and how we can recycle them.

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