Thursday, October 22, 2009

The #1 Least recycled material

   According to the US EPA, Food Waste is the #1 least recycled material.  In fact, there is more food and paper in landfills than diapers, styrofoam and tires combined.
   I know, you're thinking so what!  Food and paper will decompose.  Yes, in nature food and even paper would be attacked by microorganisms and invertebrates in the soil.  They would be decomposed into humus and these nutrients would then be recycled into the natural ecosystem.  Oh, I forgot to mention you also need oxygen for decomposition because without oxygen microorganisms can not survive.  Oxygen can not penetrate the deeply layered landfills which are saturated with water.  As a result, even "biodegradable" waste will remain embalmed for centuries to come.
   You know were I am going with this don't you?  Composting, a word some people cringe at.  It is not as complicated as you may think.  Although I myself would like to try worm composting, there are many other options that are easy, do not smell and will give you fairly quick results.  This is just food for pun intended!  In my up coming post I will give you examples and options.  Just keep an open mind, this waste reduction project could actually be fun.

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